# Lunar Lander This is an example of an Actor-Critic learning Agent as part of the ASIM RL Tutorial It uses gym for the environment and torch as the basis for the A-C Network ### Action Space 1) do nothing, 2) fire left engine, 3) fire bottom engine, 4) fire right engine ### Observation Space 1) x, 2) y, 3) linear velocity in x, 4) linear velocity in y, 5) angle, 6) angular velocity 7) ground contact leg 1 8) ground contact leg 2 ### Rewards 1) landing at landing pad +[100-140] points. 2) crash: -100 points 3) landing: +100 points 4) landing on leg: +10 points per leg 5) firing an engine: -0.3 points per engine per frame it counts as solved at 200 points ### Starting State The lander starts at the top center of the viewport with a random initial force applied to its center of mass.